Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My children are important!

I recently read a blog by Hands Free Mama .  This is a very inspiring story about the hazards of modern day technology and spending time with your kids. It really hit home with me. The blog made me think about how involved I am in my children's lives. Am I constantly pushing them away? How much am I using my technology when I could be spending time with them? Do they feel like I am never there for them?

When I think back, I know there were plenty of times I should have been hanging out with them. I LOVE to read! I have to admit I am a hopeless romantic and mystery junkie. I love happy endings and trying to figure out what happens before I read about it. My downfall is that when I start a book I get so wrapped up in the story plot that I can't put it down. I used to buy several books at a time, but I could only hold them up for so long before my hand started hurting. When I got a nook for my birthday a few years ago, it made it so easy to read the next book in the series. Now, I can pick up where I left off on my cell phone. This is great when you are waiting by yourself at the doctors office! However, you can miss out on your kids lives if it is all you do. I'm not saying to totally spend every waking minute of every single day with your kids. I mean honestly we all need our space. It is up to us to show our kids what to do and how to act. If we are always on our computer, reading, or on our phones, how can we expect them to know we love and care about them. They will grow up thinking that whatever you are doing is more important than they are.

The blog reminded me of the song Cat's in the Cradle.

I have more to say but my sweet boy is going to read me a bedtime story now! :)

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