Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 2: Operation Organize the Red Roof (OORR)

Day 2: Clean out Picture Cds

Today, I went through almost all of the Cds that we have acquired over the years. I separated them into piles. (Blank Dvds, Blank Cds, Pictures, Videos, School stuff, Trash, Cds to return or give away) When I went and looked at the pictures, I wrote what was on each cd if it did not already have it written. I trashed all the things where I had two copies. I knew that had happened from when I changed computers and made back up cds. I found copies of papers and things that I wrote in college. I haven't decided what to do with those yet, so if you have any ideas let me know. I don't know whether to trash or keep them. I also had some pictures that I knew several people would want, so if I had doubles I put them in a pile to give away. It was GREAT going down memory lane. I found all the 4D ultrasound pictures and videos from the kids. It doesn't seem like a lot accomplished today, but I went through at least 50 cds. 

The kids and I also went to Aunt Steph and Uncle Ben's house to swim. We did this on Memorial Day too. I did not take any pictures. I will do better next time though!

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 1: Operation Organize the Red Roof!

We recently bought a new house. Travis kept saying he wanted a red roof since that is his favorite color. We happened to find our house (which has a red roof) by chance. Now, everyone refers to our house as the Red Roof. Our friend Andrew calls it the Red Roof Inn when they come stay the night. Travis and Reese say are we staying at the red roof instead of home. Since school is official out, I have decided that this summer I am going to organize the house. You would think I would have organized everything as we moved in but life took over. I decided blog about everything so I will remember all the hard work I put in, and maybe I will be more motivated to not just sit things down.

Day 1: The office desk!

I totally forgot to take a before picture, so after I sorted everything into piles I took a picture. You can imagine how bad the desk started out because everything that is on the floor was on or piled around the desk. We have tended to say I will file that later and just throw it on the desk. It has been driving me NUTS since we moved in. I never actually used my laptop at the desk because there was never a place to put it, so when I put everything in piles I had space it.

I know! Scary!
Here are the things I accomplished today!

Step 1: Go through and separate all the papers. (Trash, Shred, Bills, Belongs Somewhere Else) I had a ton of opened empty envelopes that needed to be trashed. You would have thought James and I would have just thrown them away instead of piling them on the table, but that is what you get when you open the mail in the car and then sit it on top of the desk.
Step 2: Shred the papers that need to be shredded. I love my shredder. I bought it when we were in NC and it has been just shoved under the desk not plugged into the wall. 
Step 3: Get rid of all the pens, markers, and pencils that do not work anymore. If you look at the above picture, you can see my pile of get rid of pens and markers. It is amazing how many pens and markers we had that did not work anymore. Next, separate the different ones and put them up. I put all the markers in a different container.

Step 4: Make labels or file all of the bills and papers. I ended up having to redo some labels because of the move. I also made 3 files for the top of the desk (Bills to pay, file, and shred). 
Step 5: Make sure everything has a place. I recently read somewhere that you should never just have things just sitting on a table because it will become a pile. Our desk is a prime example!
Step 6: Take the trash out. I had three bags. Thankfully I had a wonderful son that took them to the dumpster for me. :) Sometimes he can be sooo helpful!

I still have to go through all the cds. Every time I had to replace a computer I put everything onto a disk. I still have the disks from before college! Yes, I tend to be a pack rat sometimes. I want to go through and organize all my photos. And most of the things on the cds are photos. In high school, my mom and I went through and started scanning old photos from my grandmother, so all of those photos are in there somewhere. Anyways, I think that may be what I tackle next. :)

Now, I'm going to finish the baseball team gifts and get ready for the game tonight.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What's your legacy?

I am reading a book called Quiet Moments with God for Mothers. I have had this book for a long time and never finished it. Yesterday, the part I read was about everyone being God's precious ones. We should be making sure that everyone knows they are precious to God. This made me think about how we treat people. What are my actions showing? Am I showing people they are important?

I went to a graduation Thursday night. It took me back in time. Tamberli and I were trying to remember if that was the song we marched out with and what the speaker talked about. I can't remember. I probably should have paid more attention. I mean graduating high school is an important moment of life. I started thinking...Have I made smart choices? I know I made many mistakes, but did I learn what I needed to from those mistakes? What does my past tell about me?

This morning in church, we talked about taking a stand on important issues and what your legacy will be. The sermon went right along with all that I have been thinking about. Being a teacher, I have a chance to touch many lives. Am I doing all that I can to show them God's love? When I die, what will people remember about my impact on them?

With Memorial Day coming up, I remember all the sacrifices our military has made so we can live in a free country. The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.  ~Benjamin Disraeli 

What will your legacy be?

On another note, Travis built a car wash. I was called into the playroom to see the car wash. He told me his car wash was now open for business. I love watching his imagination grow each day. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Weekend Beach Run :)

It has been over two years since we were all able to go to the beach together as a family. We stayed at the coolest hotel. I have never stayed anywhere that made one of the towel animals. We had an elephant in the bathroom. I was so excited! I wouldn't let anyone mess with it until I went back down to the car to get my camera. The hand towels were made into fans and tissues were made into roses. 

Every night at 8:30 the hotel put on a water show. They play music and the water dances with the music. It was awesome!!

While we were watching the show the first night, Reese found a friend, Nicholas. She ran and played with him the whole time. They were a great show also. She walked right up and hugged him. 

Daddy and Reese danced together. Granny and Travis danced and played together, also. 

 We played in the Kid's Pool at the hotel. There was a boy who pushed Reese off of the turtle after it took her 30 minutes to figure out how to get on top. I was very upset. She fell totally submerged in the water. She ran up to me to hold her since she was crying. While I was holding her, she said, "Mommy, that mean boy pushed me in the water. That not nice!" I watched that boy like a hawk the rest of the time he was there. He was lucky I didn't come and get onto him.

Then we went to see Grandma at Aunt Polly's beach house. The "kids" were able to play in the sand. It was EXTREMELY hot!! We used a ton of sunscreen this trip.

 We ate at Makata. It is a Hibatchi restraunt. Travis loves the show. Reese likes everything but when they do the fire. The guy we had was great! He made a volcano and a train. He tossed the pans on top of his chef hat. It was pretty cool.

Silly Face!!
Everyone then went and watched the light show again. Nicholas wasn't there, so we all danced and played ring around the rosie.

One more trip to the pool before we head home. This time we were the only people at the pool.

Daddy took us shopping at Pier Park. And what shopping trip would be complete without a train ride. 

It was a wonderful weekend! We are going to have to go more often. I came home relaxed and ready for the last week of school. I am so thankful to have such a great family. They put up with all of my craziness with pictures. I wanted to get some family pictures taken, but we ran out of time. I guess we will just have to go back soon! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One PROUD Mommy!

First, let me brag on my sweet boy. Travis can read so well! We have been reading stories that we have at home. I wasn't sure if he was just remembering the stories or actually reading them, so I dropped by Mrs.Cofield's room to borrow some books. I recorded him reading one of the stories. This was the first time he had ever looked at the story.  I found out after showing it to Mrs.Cofield that this is actually an old 1st grade reading book. :) Now without further adieu... 
(Keep scrolling after the video)

We had a wonderful weekend at the beach with my family. I was able to hang out with my brother and sister in law. We don't get to spend much time with each other because we all are so busy.

(It is taking forever for the pictures to load. Check back tomorrow!)

One more day of school!! WHOOP WHOOP!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My children are important!

I recently read a blog by Hands Free Mama .  This is a very inspiring story about the hazards of modern day technology and spending time with your kids. It really hit home with me. The blog made me think about how involved I am in my children's lives. Am I constantly pushing them away? How much am I using my technology when I could be spending time with them? Do they feel like I am never there for them?

When I think back, I know there were plenty of times I should have been hanging out with them. I LOVE to read! I have to admit I am a hopeless romantic and mystery junkie. I love happy endings and trying to figure out what happens before I read about it. My downfall is that when I start a book I get so wrapped up in the story plot that I can't put it down. I used to buy several books at a time, but I could only hold them up for so long before my hand started hurting. When I got a nook for my birthday a few years ago, it made it so easy to read the next book in the series. Now, I can pick up where I left off on my cell phone. This is great when you are waiting by yourself at the doctors office! However, you can miss out on your kids lives if it is all you do. I'm not saying to totally spend every waking minute of every single day with your kids. I mean honestly we all need our space. It is up to us to show our kids what to do and how to act. If we are always on our computer, reading, or on our phones, how can we expect them to know we love and care about them. They will grow up thinking that whatever you are doing is more important than they are.

The blog reminded me of the song Cat's in the Cradle.

I have more to say but my sweet boy is going to read me a bedtime story now! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Praising God

I quit blogging since I felt no one cared and life got hectic. I decided yesterday that it was time to start back and use my blog to not only document my family but to also glorify God. I will try to fill in the gaps of our life later. This post is all about yesterday.

Yesterday was awesome because God is awesome and powerful! We went to a friends house for a pool party. Normally pools are a little worrisome for me, but yesterday I just rolled with the punches. The kids were having a great time. Everyone was getting out of the pool to eat. Reese was playing in my lap, and Travis had dried off. For some reason, Travis went back through the gate to the pool when I wasn't looking. James was drying off at the car and assumed that when he saw Travis he was just putting something back. From what I can gather, Travis dropped something in the pool and jumped in without floaties to retrieve the toy. The pool is shallow on one end where the kids can touch. Travis jumped where it starts to slope. Thankfully God put Jeremy in the right place at the right time. Jeremy jumped in the pool and saved him. God watches us even when we don't know we in trouble. I say this because neither James nor I knew that Travis had gotten into the pool. I knew that something had happened because Ashley kept looking at me and saying Travis is fine everything is ok. I am used to things happening to Travis, and unless he is screaming or crying it is normally nothing major. I wasn't panicked since he wasn't screaming.  I assumed he had just fallen and scraped himself. I mean Travis is one of the clumsiest people I know. He runs into walls and falls all the time.  I know that God knew I couldn't handle dealing with the knowledge of my son almost drown without me holding him and seeing he was ok first. It was like I was disconnected from the whole situation. When it finally all hit me on the way home, I was thinking what a HORRIBLE mother I was not to run over there and check on him. What if something would have happened and I wasn't there for him? What if my baby would have died? What if...? What if...? James told me I didn't know that it was anything serious and that I could think of the what if's. I know that there is no point in talking about the what ifs. I know that there was nothing I could do. I am so very grateful that God is in control not Morgan Davis. Everything happens for a reason. I don't know that reason for this near death experience. I know that it reminds me that everyday is a gift from God and don't waste that time. Love unconditionally, Pray always, and Follow God forever. 

I am going to wake everyone up and get them ready for church. James is going with us today. :) I will post pictures and finish out the rest of yesterday later. 

Happy Mother's Day!!!